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전략적 마케팅/경영을 위한 체크 포인트 63


전략적 마케팅/경영을 위한 체크 포인트 63


1. 어떤 비즈니스에 속해 있는가?(What biz are you in?)

기회와 위협을 포착하기 위해 가능한 포괄적으로 정의해 본다.

예: 병원 -> 생명, 복지산업 ->파생전략을 구상해 보자.

2. 우리 회사의 사명은 무엇인가?(Mission: What do you do for society?)

우리 병원이 사회에 존재해야 하는 이유를 구체적으로 기술해 본다.

예: 편안하고, 즐겁게 신뢰할 수 있는 의료서비스를 제공한다.

-> 사업전략을 구상해 보자.

3. 우리 회사의 비전은 무엇인가?

구성원들에게 희망과 꿈을 심어줄 수 있도록 정의한다.

예: 의료 서비스 활동을 통한 보람과 존경을 통해 자아실현을 할 수 있는 평생직장 -> 기본적인 추진전략을 구상해 보자.

4. 우리 회사의 목적은 무엇인가?(Purpose: What do you do for?)

우리회사가 달성해야 할 사업목적을 구체적으로 기술한다. 비계량적-계량적, 비재무적-재무적 목적을 구체적으로 기술한다.

예: 기업사명과 비전을 고객들에게 명확하게 심어준다. 설정된 경상이익 목표의 달성과 잉여금의 사명과 비전달성을 위한 재투자를 통한 경영 최적화를 실현한다. ->기본적인 추진전략을 구상해 보자.

5. 고객들이 우리 회사에 대해 어떻게 생각하고, 어떤 회사라고 말해주기 바라는가?

(What words do you want them to talk about, think, describe?)

고객이라고 생각할 때 가장 거래하고 싶은 회사를 어떤 회사라고 말하겠는가?

예: 정말 친절하고 성의를 가지고 치료해 주며 잘 설명해 주어 믿음이 가는 병원 ->기본적인 추진전략을 구상해 보자

6. 우리 회사의 이상적인 고객은 누구인가?(Who is your perfect customers?)

우리가 가장 잘 서비스할 수 있고 수익성(방문율이나 거래금액이 커서)이 높은 고객집단은?

예: 영유아와 만성질환 노인환자 ->시장환경과 우리의 역량과 비교하여 평가해 보자

7. 우리 회사의 이상적인 고객의 특성에 대해 상세히 알고 있는가? (Can you describe him/her in terms of demographics, needs and wants, preference, consumer behavior?)

이상적인 고객집단의 인구학적 특성과, 원하는 제품이나 서비스, 선호도, 주요 소비자 행동특성에 대해 조사하고 잘 숙지한다.

예: 영유아가 있는 가정주부와 노부모를 모시고 있는 가장으로서 시간적 여유가 많지 않은 직장인, 병원비에 대해 민감하지 않으며 예약의 편리성과 주차문제 등 서비스를 기본적으로 요구하는 층

->조사방법의 신뢰성을 평가하고 우리의 역량과 비교하여 평가해 보자

8. 현재 고객의 특성이 이상적인 표적고객의 특성에 적합/일치/부합 되는가? (Is the current customer appropriate for your ideal target customer?)

현재 내왕 고객의 특성을 조사, 분석하여 이상적이 표적고객의 특성에 부합되는지를 평가하고, 부합되는 경우 유지 강화 방안과, 부합되지 않는 경우 유인책을 강구한다.

예: 현재고객 중 이상적인 표적고객의 비율이 15%정도를 차지하고 있어서 보다 증가시킬 방안이 필요함. ->현재고객의 특성에 대한 보다 정확한 조사방법과 분석 및 활용방안을 모색해 보자

9. 우리의 고객이 추구하는 소비자 가치 또는 효용은 무엇인가? (What does your customer consider value? What benefits does your customer seek or expect in dealing with you?)

고객이 우리 제품이나 서비스를 구매함으로써 얻고자 하는 물리적/심리적 효용가치를 정확하게 파악한다. 어디에 가장 큰 비중을 두고 있는지 파악한다.

예: 질병에 대한 명확한 이해를 통한 정확한 치료 ->보다 높은 효용/가치의 제공을 위한 구체적인 방안을 모색해 본다.

10. 표적고객이 추구하는 가치/효용을 어떻게 알고 있는가? 고객으로부터 직접 듣거나 소비자 조사를 통해서 알고 있는가? 아니면 회사 사람들이 생각/추측/그럴 것이라고 믿고 있는가? (Don't answer based on what you or your staff believe the value/benefit is.)

다양한 고객조사와 자료를 통해서 고객의 효용가치를 정확하게 파악한다.

예: 부분적, 단편적인 조사와 고객의 소리를 통해서 알고 있으며 체계적인 관리/활용 부족. ->체계적이며 지속적인 고객조사 방법을 모색하고 관리담당(CEI)을 정한다.

11. 우리 회사의 핵심 역량은 무엇인가? 고객의 욕구를 충족하기 위해 경쟁사보다 더 잘 할 수 있는 능력이나 특별한 기술이 있는가? (What are your company's core competencies? What special skills of abilities does your company do better than anyone else you compete against to fulfill the needs of your customers?)

유형자원, 무형자원, 인적자원, 기술-노하우, 입지 등 경쟁자와 비교하고 고객의 욕구 충족에 활용하는 정도를 평가한다.

예: 우수한 의료인력 -> 우수한 의료인력의 인지도 제고와 진료과정에서 고객이 느낄 수 있는 물리적, 인적 환경을 조성한다.

12. What does your company do extremely well (I.e. delivery, inventory control, post sale service, etc)?

13. Where do you perform in an exceptional fashion? How is it best seen, experienced, appreciated by your customers?

14. Who are your competitors? Primary? Secondary?

15. Why do your customers buy form your competitors? What benefits do they receive from your competitors that they don't receive from you?

16. What arr your areas of greatest profit or opportunity? Where do you get your highest payoff? Your highest return on effort, investment?

17. What sort of things should your company abandon, eliminate, get out of, to free up more time for higher value, higher performance activities?

18. What could you do to attract your competitor's customers?

19. How could you change your methods of sales and marketing to increase your sales quality and quantity business?

20. What is your company's area of specialization? What are your products or services uniquely suites to do or for whom?

21. What is your area of differentiation or excellent? What is your unique selling proposition? In what way are you superior to your competitors?

22. What is your specific competitive advantage? What will it be in the future? What should it be? What could it be?

23. What type of customers can benefit the most from the special, unique, superior benefits of your product of service?

24. In what areas should you concentrate your energy and resources to get the very highest pay-off from your efforts?

25. How could you attract more customers who can most benefit and pay for what you sell?

26. What customers should you phase out or abandon because they no longer represent the best use of your time and energy?

27. What activities should you abandon, de-emphasize so you can have more time for those activities that offer higher pay-off possibilities?

28. What is your current position in the marketplace? How do your customers and prospects perceive you? What words do they use to describe you?

29. What is your brand? (Word or phrase associated with your company, product of services that represents a value to your customers.) How do you advance, enhance, sustain and protect it?

30. What should your brand be? What words or descriptions would you like to own in your customer's mind?

31. What could you change or improve to begin creating a more favorable impression or brand-image in your custmer's mind?

32. What are your greatest weaknesses as an organization?

33. What are the greatest problems in sales and profitability?

34. What are the greatest potential threats to your business?

35. Looking into the future, what are three wrost things that could happen to hurt your business?

36. What steps could you take immediately to guard against these possible dangers?

37. What are your areas of greatest opportunity for the future, based the trends in your business?

38. How could you begin positioning your company to take advantage of these opportunities?

39. What core competencies or skills should you begin developing to be ready fo the opportunities?

40. How is technology affecting your business? What changes does the internet cause in the way you do business?

41. What are your doing today that you wouldn't get into again if you had to do it over-knowing what you know today?

42. Reorganization-What changes should you make in your business, with regard to people and expenses, to improve both effectiveness and efficiency?

43. Restructuring-How could you shift more of your time and resources into more profitable activities?

44. Reinventing-Imagine your business burned to the ground, What activities would you start up again immediately? What activities would you not start up again at all?

45. Reengineering-Analyze every step of your business activities. What could you simplify, outsource, eliminate, or discontinue altogether?

46. Is there my person in your business life- a customers, associate - who, knowing what you now know, you wouldn't get involved with today?

47. If you could start your business over again today, what would you do differently?

48. What skill, abilities, talents do you have that have been most responsible for your success to date?

49. If you/your company could be absolutely excellent in any one area, which one area would be most helpful to you/your company in achieving your goals?

50. What is the driving force of your business? What determines the products; services and marketing you offer or work in?

51. What are te critical constraints on your business today? What sets the speed at which you achieve your main goals?

52. What is the biggest business mistake you have made recently?

53. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned recently? How can you take advantage or leverage that lesson?

54. If you could do just one thing all day long, what would you choose to do?

55. What specifit actions should you take immediately based on your answer to the above question?

56. Do you think your clients see you as their only viable solution or choice- or just one of the best or better selections out there? And why dis you answer this way?

57. What do you think your current business strategy is (not to confused with your marketing strategy of lack of one)? Describe and define how you are applying it.

58. What you you thing the overall business problems you're trying to work through to solve?

59. What are the three biggest issues you've been thinking about most lately?

60. What are the three biggest overall business challenges you've been wrestling with?

61. What are the three biggest overall business questions you'd like to have answers to outside of th marketing area?

62. Do you have an overall master business game plan (again, not the same as a strategic marketing plan)? If yes, describe it clearly.

63. What are the three biggest opportunities you want to pursue more successfully and why?